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some things are not meant to be


Thursday, February 5, 2009
hey ple
had no time to blog at all!!
have been damn tired lately with the cold and sch etc.
so guess will blog during the weekends :)
haha will post pics etc during weekends.
i swear vb training is damn tiring haha and lectures are kinda fun/boring. and sch is sch haha
more during weekends.
now i need to catch up on my sleep since i need to wake up freaking early

Monday, February 2, 2009
omg have been busy lately. going out and etc
I HAVE A FREAKING COLD THANKS TO PAUL CHONG! I AM DYING OF FEVER! my temp is 40.1 degrees currently haha. i told u i was dying
tomorrow have sch
k i shall take medicine and sleep now tomorrow need to wake up at like 5.50

Friday, January 30, 2009
its jus so nice and addicting!!
(fingers and toes crossed while i sleep haha)

B GALS WON ANG MOH KIO SEC by quiet a lead!!
k so today went to sch for volleyball training for the sec 1 and 2! talked a lot with jaz and jo we really talked a lot about everything and everybody. had fun then after that went to have dinner with jo fel and jaz at sch hawker. missed hawker food like crazy lah. ya so bussed home with jo

tomorrow i really badly need to alter my dress skirt and my cousie's shorts. and maybe heading for the sa volley try out again i guess. but i think it will be kinda useless but its worth trying i guess.

omg hope i can wake up at 8 to get my posting! i need to sleep but i am itching for another episode of gossip girls haha mini mani mini moh which one shall i choose. haha i am so lame who cares.
good night and good luck for ur postings hope all of u get into ur first choice :)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
k here to blog again.
yesterday was kinda boring/slack
spent the whole day eating, sleeping, watching tv, using com and hanging with my two friends at home. i swear the four of us (plus my cous) didn't have anything to do we were like looking for things to do lah.
they stayed over again and today like afternoon two more Mongolians came over like for fun. hung out with them talked catch up and etc. then the four of them left. as for me i met Aloy and went across the street to Paul's house for dinner. apart from me and Aloy there was Lesden (i dunno how to spell his name) and one gal. so then johnny came and we all slacked for a while and johnny left to find abi. so the 5 of us were left. hanged outside paul hse playground then the gal left.
the four of us ended up plaing on swing and playing blind mice at the playground haha very funny.
after that headed to holland v to have dessert. had cheesecake and loads of chinese tea. talked alot haha laughed a lot too. :) and then home haha like 12 plus.
tomorrow shopping with mum and cousin :) its been so long since i went shopping with my mum lah haha

Sunday, January 25, 2009
heys k heres the entry for today and yesterday

24th January 2009
woke up as usual like 1 plus. then went to find sw at town cause she couldnt find her cny clothes. we laughed a lot lah k. then met aloy and eddie at town and i helped sw to pick her clothes. so after that went around town to pick clothes for aloy. we were laughing a lot and cam whoring a lot also.
and we saw many ple at town. we saw like
1. jiamin and her friend
2. guo hao and his gf
3. boon peng
4. mark hay, shawn, alex, weili and shei
5. myat thaw and his gang
6. sw sis and her bf
7. kenneth!!
oh i forgot some ple
8. benjamin lim and friends
9. mr chua lai heng and friends (i dunno how to spell his name)
k pics haha a lot of pics haha

end of our shopping. so like sw and eddie cabbed to dunno where. me and aloy went to holland starbucks to meet paul and johnny. crapped at starbucks till like 12 plus laughed talked and i actually never tot of making friends with paul. surprise much! so home after that.

25th January 2009 today
i woke up super early today lah like 10.30 my mum was screaming around waking me and cous wake up. so like had to do spring cleaning , so crappy. then two of my friends came over (mongolian) we played around like crazy ple. then steamboat for dinner. eat like pigs lah we all i swear after the food i couldnt move.
so like at 9 plus we like the 4 of us decided to go to west coast park to slack/play. so like we walked there i noe we are mental but it was fun. haha healthy lifestyle k haha. exercise leh. play a lot a lot very fun. laughed and crapped and we played crappy games on the way there and back.
so like after that we tot we could get bus cause they said bus service till 2 but end up there was no freaking bus in sight!!! so annoying so we waited at the bus stop for nth! waste time only but we still had fun cause we crapped about ****(inside joke)!!!
so we ended up walking/jogging back home. actually we jogged like a super short distance. but my legs are super tired now i think i am gonna have macho legs tomorrow!
so like reached home 2 i think. and now we are gonna sleep :) i am super tired!!
picture time haha

Saturday, January 24, 2009
hello hello hello!! i am here to blog again :)
k on thursday went to sch with jo and jaz to help jiao lian train the sec 1s and b gals haha. had fun and we trained like crazy lah. me jo and jaz we were like super slow reaction haha ple old already mah cannot react so fast.
so after that jo came over to my house then bathe and stuff and headed to aloy/paul chalet.
omg lah and that aloy made me and jo cab to a wrong place and we ended up cabbing twice to get to the chalet. woah like the second cab driver was so nice! he is worth tons of compliments i have never met such a friendly/nice cabbie driver. and then when we finally reached there was like many many ple there like including their pri sch friends. so we talked and etc. had loads of fun haha and baileys rocks! and at night we played mushroom haha.
woah and me and jo never sleep lah like wth right haha. in the morning like i was starving and damn tired lah but after we ate food like at the resort place i was somehow high haha weird i noe.
ya so in the mrt me gary and eddie were like the only sane ple haha. we were super high i mean me haha.
so me eddie and gary alighted at queenstown and walked to sch. heard that cny celebration sucked haha. so waited for sw at the security guard there with eddie. talked a lot with him and stuff then headed to sw house
washed my fringe at her house. not funny. waited for her bathe then use com and left her house. two of us went to have lunch with sam ang at sumo house. talked, laughed and crapped. then walked to the hair dresser and sam ang went home i think.
so after that i went home and sw went to buy her cny clothes. sry never go with u but i was damn tired and my eyes were shutting by itself. haha and in the bus my eyes were shutting lah. and i nearly missed my bus stop.
so came home bathed and slept at like 5.50 like that and i woke up at 11 :)
had dinner and now i am on the phone with eddie and blogging haha.
k pics

Thursday, January 22, 2009
k i shall be more enthu in blogging from now on

today woke up super early like at 10 plus!! cause cause i went to sch haha. went to watch the "B" boys and gals match. and and omg they rock!! BOTH TEAMS WON!! gals was kinda expected. they trashed outram like nobody's business. and guys were surprising lah. a lot of ple tot they will loose to chong boon cause chong boon is like strong! BUT BUT THEY WON!! and it was 2-0 haha!!
gals match ended super early lah no actually both matches were kinda fast so yeah. and like on the way back to sch me fel and grace fell sleep haha we were tired k!

so after that everybody went home they have sch! so reached home at like 4. and i spent like 2 hours messing with my freaking iphone and itunes!!
so after that went to play squash with family. SRY FEL NEVER GO NIGHT TRAINING. so we played squash for like 2 hours was fun lah :) i think i am improving
so like had dinner at 10 haha. i ate oh jian is that how u spell it like the oyster thing.

and tomorrow will be training the sec 1s with jo and jaz
then after that aloy's bday charlet / paul's farewell thing i think