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some things are not meant to be


Monday, November 26, 2007
hey k so today like woke up early
had this job interview at paya lebar and like took mrt then bus haha and it was like raining cats and dogs lah
so like finally got to the place and was like wet and stuff
then like asked suff and i think i won't even get it lah
cause like they need ple to work like almost everyday!! crazy ya
then like i told them i can't so i dun think i will get it but my cous should be can lah
haha then we took the wrong bus then we were like lazy to get down so we took it all the way to pasir ris interchange lah
haha then sat in this bus and it was freaking COLD!!!!
so we took it all the way to far east plaza and it took super long
haha then we walked from far east plaza all the way home to like holland
we walk leh
wasn't really tired so continued walking haha we were like eating lollipop and stuff while walking lah
so reached home and slacked

oh oh tomorrow got training NO JIAO LIAN!!!
haha and friendly haha

hey ple k so today i woke up super early thanks to SHU WEN
ya so woke up met shuwen at my bus stop at like 12 plus
then went to queenstown mrt to find myat thaw
so like waited for him quiet long cause he was like sleeping so got the tickets and then we went to like shop ya
we had no money both of us had like 20 bucks only and like we paid 10 bucks for the ticket each so we had like no money la thats y shopping wasn't so fun cause couldn't buy anything
so after that we went to eat at heeren the wanton mee thing so nice la.

after that we shopped for a while and then saw ETHAN ONG
he is so cute lah and like super talented

so after that we wnt to bugis for the gig and like we got lost!!
we had like no idea where the red bar was lah
so we were like walking all over the place lah haha then finally we decided to take cab and we didn't even go for 5 min can

so then went in to the red bar and like there was loads of hot ple there. haha and the guys were like super crazy lah haha it was like fun

so two of us like sat there and like had super fun till myat thaw's band finished playing and they are so hot la haha. then met myat thaw ethan poon and other ex queenswayns outside the bar to say like bye and stuff

then guess wat two of went crazy la
we walked from bugis to suntec and is like super near each other lah. so like we hanged at esplanade for a while and like talked and talked then we hanged around there for a while then after that we continued walking to raffles then ate ice cream and like from there walked all the way to town.
then took 106 home ya then saw tabitha also
and shu wen was like messaging dominic and i think he is hot from the side view haha.
k so that was like all for today
was fun even thought didn't buy anythind and didn't have any money

i so wanna go for the gigs!! it was like super hot hahaha

Sunday, November 25, 2007
k hey ple
today was like super fun can
like woke up at 11.30 then went out to shop and like bought loads of stuff
like finally i bought my shades haha
i bought like this super cute shades from forever 21 haha can u freaking believe it, it was like only 11 bucks haha
then went to buy slipper and wedges and like they are super nice. bought them from like keith and charles ya
then bought this super cute top from fornarino and it is like totally cute ya
so tomorrow gonna meet shu wen the bitch ya haha and probably gonna shop like hell haha
and i so wanna buy like dresses now haha.
so waiting for sales
haha and i have like job interview on monday and if i get it i will be freaking rich haha so i can like shop like hell again haha
but like i am so broke now! :( sad can now i have like 20 bucks only lah
tell me wat sai i can buy
anyways no money so won't buy anything bah haha
k so like that was like all for today and my back is aching
haha k i am like being super random here and like so whatever haha

Friday, November 23, 2007


hey k so training was like not so tiring haha
and like only 6 Bgals were there so pathetic right haha
we were like kinda "mentally prepared" for traning today ya so wasn't really so torturing
k so after that sh ps us
so me jazreel and fel went hawker to eat
i ate chicken rice again!! there was like no hokkien mee again :(

k so after that me and jaz cabbed home haha
and i was like supposed to go for this job interview thingie but ended up it shifted to monday ya
so i like rushed back for nth can
ya so i have like job interview on monday ya haha


omg i can't wait till next week training NO JIAO LIAN
so happy can
and tue friendly against cchy and like wear green jersey ya
oh oh and knee guards
haha so thats like all for today ya

Thursday, November 22, 2007
hey ple k so today had training
and like TRAINING=HELL can
at the starting it was like super slack la. me shei and wen yu we were like slacking around and laughing like crazy la haha. then the hell started when the friendly match between the boys ended
it was so tiring jiao lian so nearly killed us.
he made us do push ups one after another la so sad can
and he was like talking about dunno wat muz be mentally prepared and stuff

k so after the hell of a training went to hawker ate and stuff. pooor jo didn't come for training cause she like fractured her ankle and is like using crutches so poor thing la hope u recover soon ya babe. hope u recover by thailand trip and that stupid jiao lian dun let me eat my food in peace la

k so after that me sh and wen yu came to my house. me and shei bathed and stuff then went out to ghim moh to find xin hao cause like there was pasar malam again. haha ate candyfloss and drank bubble tea and laughed like shit lah. xin hao is so funny la
we laughed like crazy and we saw this cute dog haha and xin hao was like that is wen yu's friend and stuff la so funny. and we saw amanda and stuff tht was like after we were in the bus ya

k so after that wen went home and shei and me went to eat dinner and stuff haha. and we got lost lah. we took like a lot of bus can.
so after dinner at like 7 plus went to find jazreel she was like working at cold rock.we went to like buy ice cream and she is like so blur lah haha, she didn't realise that we were there untill we reached the cashier k
she looked super blur la haha. so after that walked to shei bus stop k i only went halfway and then went home.

omg tomorrow got training again!!! so tiring i dun one to go!! it is like gonna be more of a hell lah. cause like we have one whole court to ourselves la.
oh oh i have job interview tomorrow haha ple wish me luck!! haha if i get the job shei i will treat u to ice cream k haha

hey ple.
k so today was like nth much ya.
sh and wen were supposed to come my house but never cause it was like raining and stuff ya.
so today was like practically slack at home sleep watch tv and eat and use com.ya haha that was like all ya. haha
omg tomorrow like have training but lucky b boys have freindly so it won't be so tiring haha at least can like look at the match.
and i am ike looking forward to next week trainin without jiao lian ya haha

and the search for the next pussycat doll was so nice. its like a muz watch


Tuesday, November 20, 2007
hey hey ple so today never go training haha! omg and like only a few ple went training lah haha.
i slept for like only 5 hours freaking tired lah and i woke up at like super early at like 8.30 so early right grr
so after that went to immigration then fel called me and like talked to jiao lian he like wanted to noe y i never go training and stuff lah haha

k so after that went town shopped at paragon but never buy anything haha. slacked at starbucks and went home at about 5 ya

so like today was officially my mum birthday so we like went to this fine dining at a french restaurant at chinatown and it was like supposedly like one of the best french restaurants in singapore. and oh ya the food was like super delicious lah. and i ate like rawish meat for appetizer can. haha i didnt even know that it was raw lah. but it tasted nice. so after that for the main dish had beef in a french way and super yummy haha. but the lamb was nicer haha but like bought also nice haha. hey hey look at my food pic haha. so after that had ice cream cake from hageen danz haha super nice haha.

and guess wat i drank like one glass of wine and one glass of champaigne haha. and like if i drank more than that i think i will get drunk lo. so like officially alcoholic stuff is so not my type haha. its like the first time i really like got served wine and stuff in a restaurant k haha so fun

k so like as it was like fine dining and stuff so i had to like wear dress and heels haha. but like super fun haha. so like all three of us had dress on and stuff haha. like fun lo haha

and like we had to like wear dress and stuff as it was like fine dining haha so here is like some pics with my mum and cous haha
the food was like super delicious k. u all should like try it at least once although it was like kinda ex but really try it. its like found in chinatown and the name is something like ember ya. so like try it out k haha

Monday, November 19, 2007
hey ple
omg TRAINING!!!! freaking nightmare
first we had to run for like 13 min which was like still k
then jiao lian had his freaking mood swings and started being an asshole like a total asshole k!
lets just say that training was super tiring and i so didnt wan to train!!!

so after training had to rush home cause my mum was like continuing her birthday so we were like gonna go out to this super nice steamboat place like seriously it was the best steamboat i had like seriously!! haha it was so yummy k i ate like a lot a lot la! haha

k so after dinner me and my cousin like wanted to look at how "hookers" look like. so like as we were quiet near to the geylang and place so we like drove there to look at all the hookers haha
and like first we saw all the vietnamese hookers and then went to geylang and like saw tons and tons of hookers lah like eew lah i think like most of them were like from china can
and like omg their clothes were like super skimpy clothes. its like they werent even wearing clothes lah then their heels were like super high can like how can anyone walk on it lah
oh oh then we saw transexuals k haha. then like the hookers were like all lined up in one row like 20 over of them and there were like so many hotels there lah

k so after that like came home and slacking ya haha

Sunday, November 18, 2007
hey!!! k so slept till like 1 plus haha. went out to buy the ingredients for the cake we like did the cake from scratch k we didn't even buy the already made flour and stuff lah. we had to like mix all the stupid flour and stuff haha. cause like my mum wants me and my cous to like bake cake for her cause like her b'day is on tue! ya i noe is still long long but she like wants to celebrate it for 4 days ya haha

so like it was so much fun cause me and my cous were like baking supposedly a cake and my mum lasagne and my uncle like bah kay teh i dunno how to spell haha!

it was so yummy k omg lah haha we are so talented in cooking can haha

but our "cake" turned into pie can :(

its like FLAT like totally like a pie haha

but it tastes super super delicious haha its like super YUMMY haha

i should open a pie stall haha :)

and like heres a pic of my super YUMMYLICIOUS "cake" PIE haha don't drool k haha

Saturday, November 17, 2007
k hey ple and like as i said i will use the blog thingie again haha

today was like so fun woke up at like 12 plus so early ya!! my mum like practically dragged me out of bed lah. so slacked at home till like 4 and my uncle's friend like opened this beach pub hang out thingie at sentosa so we like went to check it out.

it was like so fun and i so wanted to play volley but was wearing dress so couldn't ya sad :(

anyways it was like so fun cause it was like right beside the beach with the beach volley court right beside it and like there were these hotties playing haha ya
so like sat there ate drank and slacked and looked at hotties playing volley haha

sat there till like sun set and like omg it was super nice lah.

so after that like went to shop at vivo but like the freaking queue to the stupid carpark was like super long. so like we came back home and went downstairs to like eat at swensens like finally cause i was like dreaming bout ice cream lah. haha and like we ate then shared the earthquake and was like super yummy haha!! :) so like thats all ya

Friday, November 16, 2007

omg like wasn't blogging for like super long ya
haha well moved in to my new house and it is like so hot ya haha
had house warming for like super long
got back results and is all so fucked up!!!
failed a math can so sad
anyway me and jo like DROPPED BIO haha NO MA ANYMORE haha
and i still can't believe there is like still 20 over ple in bio class no. like come on ah i thought there would be like 10 only or something like that only lo. then now is like 20 wth!!!
and that step up or is it step ahead ya that thingie was so boring and like super waste of time can!!! wake up so early lo!!

k k and now like hols yup!! haha finally!!
and was like shopping the whole of last week and like my mum helped me pay for a lot of stuff and like so fun!!! haha but she still like owe me feaking shades which i can't find anywhere!!
and like i met with shu wen in town for two days k and we were like omg cause like so coincidental ya haha she was like also freaking doing her shopping ya that bitch haha

k so yesterday had training and jiao lian made us run around the hall for 15 mins!! but wasn't really tired but after tha i think jiao lian really wanted to like kill us cause like it was super tiring!! we were like half dead after training can
so as usual went hawker with sh jo wen yu and amanda!
and finally ate hawker food i was like dreaming about it k i like really missed it like hell! haha
so after that jo wen and sh came my house.
and was like so fun k we were like playing around and stuff ya haha. so like at bout 6 plus they went home ya thats all.

so today woke up at 4 and like slacking at home now! haha ya and i have freaking cramps everywhere i can like barely walk around can haha
k so like i am gonna start using this thing again haha